Day 16



I'm thankful for the examples I have in my life.  Without them I would be lost.  
This is my parents.  They have always been one of the best examples in my life.  Both of my parents hold a stable job, earning their own living, have strong testimonies, love each other very much, and take care of others.  My mom is amazing.  Growing up she was able to work, take care of the family, cook, clean, do the laundry, and do all the extras for us.  My dad has always been able to provide for our family, he got a good education and always taught us how important it was for us to get an education as well.  
Both my parents have taught me many life-long lessons.  Here are a few of them:
1.  Never give up- I can do anything that I put my mind to.  If I want to be an astronaut all I have to do is work toward it and keep going until I make that goal.  My parents did everything in their power to help make my dreams come true.  This includes in my relationship with Ryan.  My parents had their trials, but they always work through it.  I know it is possible to work through my trials with Ryan because of the examples my parents are.  
2.  The golden rule- treat others the way you want to be treated.  This has been so important in my life! I was made fun of when I was younger.  It was really hard for me to make friends and trust people.  I never wanted anyone to be treated the way I did.  When I saw others alone I wanted to make sure they were okay and comfort them.  I want to do for them what I wish others would do for me.  
3.  Get a good education- My dad was an awesome example of someone who got a good education.  He went far and because of that he was able to take care of his family.  My mom also got a good education.  They both taught me how important it is to get a good education.  I learned that it is important to get an education so I can help take care of my family.  Even if I don't use that education until the kids are out of school I have it and that is what's important.  If something were to happen to Ryan I have an education I can fall back on.  
4.  Agency- My parents always taught me that we do have free agency.  How we use that agency however, will decide if we are actually free or not.  I will never forget the "lecture" my dad gave me one time about school.  He told me that if I work hard now I will be free later.  If I don't work hard and don't get good grades, I will lose my freedom.  How? Well, If I work hard and get good grades I will have the freedom to choose which college I want to go to in the future.  I may not get into every college, but I will have more options than I would if I didn't do well in school.  If I didn't do well in school I wouldn't have near as many options for college.  I may not have got accepted to a university, or would have had a harder time being accepted.  I would also lose the opportunity to potentially receive scholarships.  
5.  Respect/Manners- My parents taught me to respect others.  Respecting others means not just respecting them, but respecting their property.  Because of this I believe that respect and manners go hand in hand.  I was taught when you are at someones house you are polite and use please and thank you, by doing this you are showing them respect.  Another simple lesson I learned by the example of my parents is to not walk across other peoples property.  It may not seem like that big of a deal, but it is good manners to use the side walk when walking up to someones house.  It also shows them respect.  
I love my parents so much and I'm so thankful for their example.  
The Savior is another example I have had in my life.  He has taught me so much.  I learn from him everyday.  He is the strongest example I have because he loves me so much that he gave his life for me.  That is a love that I wish I had.  He always had time to stop and help those in need, forgive, teach, care for the ill, making sure each and every person was found, and my favorite care and show love for the children.  Somehow with all he had going on he still managed to talk to his Heavenly Father through prayer and study.  How can my life be so busy today that I don't have time for half of what he did, the things that really matter? He is an amazing example! I only hope my life can be half of what his was.  

These amazing girls were the best example to me when I got out of rehab.  They got me going to church with them, attempted to do roommate family home evening, showed me love by taking me to work, bringing me in, and treating me with respect.  We had our moments, but these girls mean so much to me.  They showed me how to have good clean fun whether it was on a date or hanging out with one another. I love these women and respect them so much! 

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