I'm so thankful for sobriety! For those of you who have never heard my story I will share it.  
The first time I ever did anything was in the fifth grade. I smoked weed for the first time. I didn't really know what I was doing.  I knew it was wrong, however, all of my friends were doing it.  I wanted to "fit in."  I thought that one time would never hurt.  
When I was in the 8th grade I started drinking a little here and there.  It wasn't anything big, just "fitting in."  
I did a few things in High school, but it wasn't until after I graduated that I really fell off the deep end.  I wanted my independence, to be free to choose whatever I wanted to do.  I had a boyfriend who wasn't the best example for me.  I started going out and drinking with him and partied a lot. My parents didn't like what I was doing and gave me a hard time.  Looking back I know they were just trying to protect me, but I had the mindset that I knew what was best for me.  I just wanted to do what I wanted to do, so I moved out.  
I moved in with a bunch of friends. My boyfriend ended up moving in with me because he lost his job and didn't have a place to go.  He had just got out of jail for drugs and theft.  I caught him smoking heroin one night and was curious.  I wanted to see why he was so addicted to it so I tried it.  That was the biggest mistake of my life.  After one hit I knew why he loved it so much.  It made me numb.  All those feelings I had toward my parents, friends, and life were numb.  The problem was that once I started using it I didn't want to stop.  I didn't ever want that feeling to go away.  Before I knew it I was completely hooked.  I went broke within a month.  I had over 3,000 dollars saved in an account.  All of that money was gone.  I lost my job, I could no longer pay for my apartment, and I didn't have a good relationship with my family anymore.  I lied, I hurt the people I love the most.  I turned into a criminal.  I stole and sold everything I could just so I could get my next fix.  I was in the darkest place that I thought I could ever get.  Now instead of using heroin for the "high," I used it to feel "normal" again.  I couldn't function with out it.  If I didn't have a hit first thing when I woke up I got so sick that I couldn't even function.  I knew I had a problem, but thought I could stop on my own.  I just didn't want to.  It wasn't until I got arrested that I knew I needed to take action to change my life.  One night my boyfriend and I went to go meet our dealer.  He never showed up at our meeting spot so we decided to get a hotel.  See, we lived in Provo Utah and our dealer lived in Salt Lake City Utah.  That is about an hour drive.  While at the hotel we were arrested.  I was let go that night, but my boyfriend was in jail for 3 days. When I picked him up at the jail that third day we had a serious talk about what we wanted in life.  We each had goals, and there was no way we would accomplish those goals if we were still using.  We both wanted to get married in the temple, go to school, have a good stable job, have children, and so much more.  We both decided that it was finally time to ask our parents for help.  My parents took me to rehab at the Walker Center in Gooding Idaho.  Talk about a complete shock! That was the last place in the world I would of ever thought to go.  I was in rehab for 28 days. A few days before I was to be released my parents came up to visit and discuss where I would go after I got out.  None of us thought it was a good idea to go back to Utah.  We all knew that would be a mistake.  We discussed the idea of me moving to Twin Falls so I could attend the rehab outpatient center.  I could check in once a week and have a meeting, it was my support group.  But then the real question came up.  Where would I live? My mom and dad opened the phone book and called a LDS church office.  The first two offices didn't answer, but the third did. It happened to be a singles ward.  The bishop was extremely nice and said he had time to meet with my parents.  When my parents got to the church office they told the bishop about my situation.  He then told them that he knew a house of 5 girls looking for a new roommate.  It was perfect! Heavenly Father had a hand in this decision and my location.  This was 6 years ago! I have been in Idaho since.  This is now my home.  Those girls became like my sisters, in fact one of them set me up on a blind date with my husband.  I had a relapse in February 2008 when I went out drinking with a friend, but I have been sober since then. This whole experience has been life changing! I would never change it for anything in the world.  At times I regret some of my decisions, I have had to pay for some of the decisions I made even years later, but I have learned so much.  If I hadn't made the decisions I made I may not have met my husband, and I may not have my kids.  I'm thankful for this trial, but I'm so grateful for my sobriety so I can live life normal again! 

This is me before I got healthy again.  I was super skinny and well.... sick. 

This is me now! I'm healthier and happier than I have ever been.  

Be sure to share my story with others who may be needing a little encouragement. Thanks!

11/14/2013 07:45:05 pm

So proud of you, you overcame hard things to become a great mom and wife. What a blessing you had so much support, but it takes a lot of will power and strength to overcome those addictions.

11/15/2013 12:25:08 am

Tasha, I had no idea! What you have overcome is one of the hardest things in the world. You are so strong and absolutely amazing! It is amazing where life takes us and I'm so glad you are happy, clean, and have your beautiful family :)

11/15/2013 01:37:47 am

This is amazing you have over come so much and its really inspiring. My brother is going through the same things and he is on a really good path to recovery right now. Hearing your story makes me so hopeful for my brother that he will over come this and find true happiness like you have done. Thank you for sharing your story. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family!

11/15/2013 05:55:00 am

Tasha, I'm glad you were brave enough to write this and brave enough to make a change in your life. Way to be! You are incredible.

11/15/2013 11:27:02 pm

I had no idea, I know we all have our things that no one knows about though. Thank you for sharing this is such and amazing story. I have so much respect for you. You are truly and amazing woman.

11/16/2013 02:00:09 am

Hey Tasha,

Thank you for being so strong and sharing this. You have had along journey but I agree its made you stronger then ever!! I love that your a mom of two!! Keep being AMAZING and pushing forward!!

11/17/2013 04:34:18 am

Wow, I was there in 5th grade when you started hanging out with those "other friends" and noticed a change but had no idea all that was going on, it's so interesting to hear the whole story. You are very brave to share your story and even your relapse. I commend you.

11/14/2015 11:01:54 am

Wow! So glad that you shared this story with us. You were such a delight to teach in high school; I still remember what a good student you were and how much I enjoyed teaching you. You were one of my favorite people to teach. I am so impressed with your success to overcome a horrible addiction. You are such a good person and I have so many good memories of teaching you. I wish you the best and hope we can keep in contact through face book. You are an amazing person and I have so much respect for you. Take care.


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