I work at a salon one day a week for a couple of reasons, 1. It's a place I can do my regular clients hair. 2. It is a small break from baby talk. I actually get to have full uninterrupted concersations with adults. No children screaming or crying or trying desperately to get my undivided attention. 3. I like keeping up my talent and passion.

Well, the other day while having one of these conversations with an adult, my client asked me if this is all I do? I replied with no, I am a stay at home mom. She then asked how many days I work. I told her just once a week for the reasons stated above. She then said something which I I have said a million times but never really thought about. "So you really are JUST a stay at home mom!"

JUST? Am I JUST a stay at home mom? When people ask me what I do I usually tell them I am JUST a stay at home mom and that never bothered me until someone else said it to me, about ME. This got me thinking about all the things I do. It was confirmed to me, that I'm not JUST a stay at home mom, the next day when my husband came home and I appologized that the house looked the same as when he left that morning. Did I really do nothing that day? The answer was NO!! I actually worked my butt of that day. I did something I dread doing and the only reason I don't like season changes, going through clothes. Although you can't see it unless you go through drawers, it is something that is necessary and must get done. I have 3 kids so to go through 3 kids drawers plus my own and my husbands, it took all day! Let me explain why below.

First and foremost I am a mom what all does that include?

- Babysitter- I get to watch my kids all day and night long. I am on call 24/7. Last night was the first night in weeks that I got to sleep longer than 4 hours at one time. I have had to get up and feed my baby every 3-4 hours through the night and take care of my other son. Which brings me to my next position.

-I am a nurse/caregiver. Not by school training, but by doc training and experience. My son has several health problems which requires a lot of attention. I have had points in his short 2 years of life that I have had to change bandages every 2-3 hours, put oils, lotions, and steroid creams on him every 6 hours, give him meds round the clock making sure I set my alarm so I don't miss giving him a dose in the middle of the night, give him breathing treatments, baitheing them, feeding/nursing them, changing diapers, and much more.

- Maid- although I teach my children to clean and do chores there is still a lot a mom does, especially for young children. Wash and fold laundry, wash dishes, beds, vacuum, sweep mop, change clothes for seasons and when they outgrow them, clean the bathroom, wash the toys, clean up after a child when he/she has pooped, peed, or thrown up on the floors, walls, toilet, car, or wherever else it may have taken place, and much more.

-Disciplinarian- I am their primary disciplinarian. I have to make sure I keep both of them safe from each other teaching them the rules and consequences of breaking rules as well as rewards for doing good.

-Teacher- I get to read to them, teach them their ABC's, numbers, colors, right and wrong, beliefs, and much more. It doesn't stop when the kids go to school. It will continue all through their life. This goes along with my next title: an example.

I am my children's most influential example. They will see me, my actions, personality, behavior long before they see others.

-Cook- I must come up with at least 3 meals a day then cook or prepare them and have them done in a timely manner.

-Shouffer- I take kids to doc appointments, games, school, birthday parties, and anywhere else they need to be.

-Personal shopper- I go grocery, clothes, and meds shopping.

-Organizer- I get to organize our house, everything from the messy cupboards to the toys in the you room, and back to the drawers.

-Accountant- I must make sure to budget our money the best I can.

On the day that I went through the drawers I had to stop every 2 hours to feed my daughter, write bills and put them in the box, break up fights, make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, compfort hurt kids, snuggle for nap time, read stories, play a game, teach my son to write his b's, share all the love I have, and I'm sure I'm missing more.

So as you can see I am much more than JUST a stay at home mom. I am a homemaker. I create a safe place for my children to be able to learn and grow, a place where I get to watch them take their first steps, say their first words, grow from an infant to an adult. I get to watch the wheels turn as their minds expand and best of all I get to be a part of the process!

I am their mom and I am blessed to be able to stay at home with them.

Some may never see me as more than just a stay at home mom. Maybe my kids don't even notice and won't notice until one day they are folding laundry and switching the seasons clothes out.

All I know is I love my job as a stay at home mom, all extra jobs included!

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