I have recently joined the makeup company Younique. I'm so excited!! I love their makeup line and their 3d Fiberlash mascara. Here is what it does.

This one is mine!

I'm so excited! If you want to learn more about the makeup or wanna make money doing makeup go to www.youniqueproducts.com/yourmakeover


As I sit on my couch tonight watching Bridesmaids, I suddenly started to sob uncontrollably. Now I can thank my pregnancy hormones and move on, but serious counseling has taught me to do otherwise. So why did I cry in such a hilarious movie? Why would I cry the same in 27 dresses, Disney movies, and so many other movies I can't even begin a list?

All of these movies have something in common, something that takes me back to when I was a kid. Loneliness, longing to be accepted, disappointment, and much more.

I feel like I need to let you ALL know that you are important.

So here's to all those who were/are made fun of, those who were called "fat" or "ugly" or any other hideous and disgusting names. Anyone who has been bullied, beat up, or been the center of a joke that you did not consent to.

Here's to anyone who has been stuck at home on a Friday or Saturday night while your friends are out having fun, or not getting asked to high school dances. Anyone who has been called and invited to do something "because all my other friends are busy," or whose "friends" talked right in front of you about how much fun they had together at the mall, something you weren't invited to.

Here's to those who have never been a maid-of-honor, bridesmaid, groomsmen, or any other "special" title in a wedding.

Anyone who has had a bridal shower or baby shower where the only people who show up are your family or your moms friends showing their support, even though several of your "friends" responded.

Here is to those who are/have been in pain because they have always thought there is something wrong with them. Those who asked their parents at a young age "why don't people like me?"

Here's to anyone in between.

Here's to you! The you right now! The you in the past and in the future!

YOU are important, no matter how you feel right now, you are important! You matter to someone! You were created to be you, just the way you are.

Learn from my lesson:


If you have to change you, they aren't worth it!

You are unique! You are special! You are somebody!

I use to fit all of this, lonely, sad, disappointed, and hurt. Time doesn't always heal wounds, I still hurt, I still cry from many moments I'm reminded of. But as I sit on my couch watching my movie tonight, I realize three things, Ryan, Rodney, and Jayce. None of the past matters, I now have a wonderful husband who loves me and cares about me, and two boys whose worlds revolve around me. I'm their mommy! Elementary school, jr. high, and high school don't matter! The education matters, not how many dances you went to, being labeled prom king or queen, or even where you sat at lunch. I'm important to someone and so loved! I know it may seem hard to see at times, but life does get better!


Day 17



I'm thankful for my talents.  I have many talents that I have been able to use in my life for entertainment, to help others, or for my own pleasure.  Here are a few of my talents I am thankful for.
- I can play the piano.  I may not be perfect at it, but it is so enjoyable and such a stress relief to be able to sit and play a song. 
- I work well with kids and those with special needs.  I have an easier time talking to them than I do adults.  I am going into elementary education because I do have the patience and ability to work well with kids.  
- I twirled the baton for several years.  It was so much fun to be able to do something hard that not many other people could do.  I won miss Fiesta Bowl Model Queen when I was 12. 
- I danced for a long time and was on the Torgete team for my high school and Envision college winter guard team while I was still in high school.  
- I love taking pictures, it is one of the talents I am working hard on.
- I love doing hair I have been doing hair for over 7 years now and I love it! I love changing people's lives! It is a talent I am constantly trying to keep up with and work on.  
- I love singing.  It is one of my hidden talents that I don't like to share.  It is hard to share it because I don't like how harsh people are these days.  I'm scared to death, I won't even sing in church.  
I have several things I like to do that aren't necessarily talents yet.  I am working hard to perfect them, but I will never quite be there.  
-and finally talking to people.  
Hopefully I will be able to continue working on these things to 

Day 16



I'm thankful for the examples I have in my life.  Without them I would be lost.  
This is my parents.  They have always been one of the best examples in my life.  Both of my parents hold a stable job, earning their own living, have strong testimonies, love each other very much, and take care of others.  My mom is amazing.  Growing up she was able to work, take care of the family, cook, clean, do the laundry, and do all the extras for us.  My dad has always been able to provide for our family, he got a good education and always taught us how important it was for us to get an education as well.  
Both my parents have taught me many life-long lessons.  Here are a few of them:
1.  Never give up- I can do anything that I put my mind to.  If I want to be an astronaut all I have to do is work toward it and keep going until I make that goal.  My parents did everything in their power to help make my dreams come true.  This includes in my relationship with Ryan.  My parents had their trials, but they always work through it.  I know it is possible to work through my trials with Ryan because of the examples my parents are.  
2.  The golden rule- treat others the way you want to be treated.  This has been so important in my life! I was made fun of when I was younger.  It was really hard for me to make friends and trust people.  I never wanted anyone to be treated the way I did.  When I saw others alone I wanted to make sure they were okay and comfort them.  I want to do for them what I wish others would do for me.  
3.  Get a good education- My dad was an awesome example of someone who got a good education.  He went far and because of that he was able to take care of his family.  My mom also got a good education.  They both taught me how important it is to get a good education.  I learned that it is important to get an education so I can help take care of my family.  Even if I don't use that education until the kids are out of school I have it and that is what's important.  If something were to happen to Ryan I have an education I can fall back on.  
4.  Agency- My parents always taught me that we do have free agency.  How we use that agency however, will decide if we are actually free or not.  I will never forget the "lecture" my dad gave me one time about school.  He told me that if I work hard now I will be free later.  If I don't work hard and don't get good grades, I will lose my freedom.  How? Well, If I work hard and get good grades I will have the freedom to choose which college I want to go to in the future.  I may not get into every college, but I will have more options than I would if I didn't do well in school.  If I didn't do well in school I wouldn't have near as many options for college.  I may not have got accepted to a university, or would have had a harder time being accepted.  I would also lose the opportunity to potentially receive scholarships.  
5.  Respect/Manners- My parents taught me to respect others.  Respecting others means not just respecting them, but respecting their property.  Because of this I believe that respect and manners go hand in hand.  I was taught when you are at someones house you are polite and use please and thank you, by doing this you are showing them respect.  Another simple lesson I learned by the example of my parents is to not walk across other peoples property.  It may not seem like that big of a deal, but it is good manners to use the side walk when walking up to someones house.  It also shows them respect.  
I love my parents so much and I'm so thankful for their example.  
The Savior is another example I have had in my life.  He has taught me so much.  I learn from him everyday.  He is the strongest example I have because he loves me so much that he gave his life for me.  That is a love that I wish I had.  He always had time to stop and help those in need, forgive, teach, care for the ill, making sure each and every person was found, and my favorite care and show love for the children.  Somehow with all he had going on he still managed to talk to his Heavenly Father through prayer and study.  How can my life be so busy today that I don't have time for half of what he did, the things that really matter? He is an amazing example! I only hope my life can be half of what his was.  

These amazing girls were the best example to me when I got out of rehab.  They got me going to church with them, attempted to do roommate family home evening, showed me love by taking me to work, bringing me in, and treating me with respect.  We had our moments, but these girls mean so much to me.  They showed me how to have good clean fun whether it was on a date or hanging out with one another. I love these women and respect them so much! 

Day 15



I'm thankful for friends.  I have some of the best friends on earth! Over the years I have been able to find out who my true friends are.  It is sad to see those who have that "I'm better than you" attitude.  Even recently I have had "friends" who I have texted or tried to gt a hold of and they never contacted me back.  It is really sad.  I try not to get my feelings hurt, but I just remember that I am loved by others and the ones who don't care about me don't matter.  
Ryan- my husband is my best friend.  He is my companion, hunting, fishing, hiking, and canoeing partner, he is my spotter on the rock wall, my rock when I'm falling apart, a shoulder to cry on, my eternal companion, and the love of my life.  He is and always will be my best friend.  
Danny- he has been one of my best guy friends since I was in high school.  We met at special needs mutual and hit it off and have been friends ever since.  He always lifted me up when I was down, talked me through rehab, and listened to me when I had tough decisions to make.  
Tia- My sister is one of my best friends.  We have been with each other through thick and thin.  We knew we could always tell each other everything.  I will never forget our late night talks, making movies, playing barbies, house, or other silly fun things we did together.  She is serving a mission right now and this last year has been the longest year of my life.  I miss her so much.  She is in Japan and will be for a few more months.  It is so hard not being able to call her or skype her.  I miss seeing and talking to my best friend.  I love her so much.  There is nothing like a sister, they know the ins and outs of you.  My sister is a piece of my that is irriplacable.
Jennifer- She was one of my first friends in Idaho.  To this day she is one of my best friends.  We have deep conversations, understand each other, and I do her hair.  She has been my most faithful client for 5 years now.  She is so friendly, kind, loving, giving, she will do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat and never expects anything in return.  My son and her daughter are the same age and I hope that they get married someday.  I would love to have my best girlfriend as my sons mother-in-law.  She is someone I can see being close to for the rest of my life.  I love her like a sister. 

Day 14



I'm grateful for the beautiful outdoors! I love being outside hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, 4-wheeling, walking, jogging, swimming, hunting, fishing, and just about anything else outside that you can think of.  
I'm so thankful that I am able to enjoy the fresh smell outside, the wind in the trees, the warmth of the sun, blue skies, clouds, the smell of rain, snowboarding down fresh white snow, and the peace and quiet that the outdoors brings.  I love relaxing next to the water waiting for that fish to bite the line, or listening to the busy river as we wade down it.  I love the peace of sleeping under the never ending stars, not one town light nearby.  I love the sound of the birds chirping first thing in the morning.  My husband and I have joked many times about going to the mountains and becoming a mountain family.  I just love being outside, it is so peaceful!   

Day 13



I'm so grateful for my camera.  I am able to capture moments that I would never be able to remember.  My brain doesn't hold as much information as it use to.  I love that my son sees my love of photography and therefore loves it too.  This is a picture I took with my phone of him taking a picture.  I love it! 

Day 12



I'm thankful for all the law enforcement officers and their wives. I never knew how hard it was to work in law enforcement until my husband started working in it. I appreciate all that officers do to make my home a safe place to live in. I'm also grateful for the patrol officer who came to my house at 4 am when a drunk person tried to get into my house thinking it is theirs.

Day 11



I'm so thankful for the many men and women who fight to protect me and my family.  Because of them (the past and present) I am able to teach my kids what I want, how I want, and where I want, I can choose my religion, go to school, marry who I wanted to, have as many kids as I want, celebrate whatever I want to celebrate, carry a weapon, and so much more.  
My family has a long line of servicemen.  I wish I knew more information, but that is one of the greatest things about living in this country at this time, there is genealogy.  I know I have a great...... something grandfather who lost his leg in the war, but I don't know much else.  My grandfather was also in the military, served for many years, and was deployed several times.  I also have several family members who are currently serving including uncles and cousins.  I have many friends serving too.  I appreciate their service and sacrifice.  
I am also so thankful for the families of those who are separated from their loved ones for their service.  I have seen how difficult it is to be at home attending to kids, keeping the house in order, while staying sane.    My heart aches for them, but I appreciate them so much! 

Day 10



I'm thankful for music of all kinds! Music is a way to express oneself.  My favorite music includes hip hop, country, rap, reggae, church music, Christmas music, and much more.  I'm grateful for those who put their time and energy into appropriate music that my family and I can listen to together.  My children love to listen to the family music station on Pandora.  I have so much fun dancing and singing with them.  Our favorite times to listen to music is while making dinner or cleaning.  I'm so thankful for all the great music we have the opportunity to listen to. 

This is one of my favorite songs:  Me and Emily by Rachel Proctor 

Another one of my favorites: Break Down Here by Julie Roberts